During the celebration of 400 years Synod of Dordrecht, peer students from Insula College (Dordrecht, NL) and Western Christian High School (Hull, Iowa, USA) will be connected through social media in a project linked to the program’s theme ‘identity’ and ‘hospitality’.

This exchange project applies the Face to Face ‘international peer education’ method that consists in simultaneous online workshops between two educational institutions located in different continents.

The students will explore three phases: learning about the Synod (historical background), developing an opinion about it (sharing different thoughts and understanding) and working together to develop an artistic outcome.

The theme ‘identity’ will be the central topic during the workshop. To understand who we are, we need to understand where we are coming from.
‘Hospitality’ will be core of the project as this is exactly what the students will train in order to be open to another culture when working and creating something together.
The history of the Synod is still present today even in Iowa where, as an example, Dordt College takes its name from the Synod of Dordrecht.
Students from both schools will explore their common history taking the Synod as a starting point: how this influenced both cultures and people’s identity back in time as well as nowadays. Participants will connect their history research with their personal backgrounds and opinions and translate both into a piece of art, which will be exhibited in public spaces in both cities involved in the exchange.

Burg. De Raadtsingel 97
3311 JG Dordrecht

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4 maart — 26 april

Nationaal Onderwijsmuseum